In the four-way tie scenario (Utica, Manhattanville, LVC, Stevenson), applying the tie-breaker criteria to determine each position I came-up with the following...
Top Seed:
First criteria = H2H:
Utica beats Stevenson, and 'push' with Manhattanviille & LVC (2-0-0, 1-1-0, & 1-1-0, respectively)
Second Criteria = League Wins:
Utica beats Manhattanville & LVC with 11 (vs. 10 & 10)
- Utica takes the Top Seed
Second Seed:
First criteria = H2H:
Stevenson beats both Manhattanville & LVC (2-0-0 & 1-0-1, respectively)
- Stevenson takes the Second Seed
Third Seed:
First criteria = H2H:
Manhattanville beats LVC (2-0-0)
- Manhattanville takes the Third Seed
EDIT - Just realized a silly math error in the prior analysis

corrected!! ...but just switched who-plays-who in the Utica/Elmira Win scenario.