Gosselin is sick. I'm sick and tired of dumb penalties by Saulnier. When he was involved and playing smart hockey tonight, he was great. Then he took two unbelievably dumb penalties where simply skating away from the hit or from contacting the goaltender behind the net was the right play. His goal was great. His decision-making was suspect. Dunn-Saulnier-Poulsen should really be special for this team, but if he's taking 2-3 dumb penalties a game, that slows things down a lot.
McHugh and Brears are still with it. I'll be curious to see how quickly Houcher can put it together.
Knight didn't look overwhelmed, but we were bad in our own end on the wall from the dot to the corner, especially glove side on Carmine. Also, that was a B- game from Carmine. We all remember Tech, but the fact is that he gave up four goals in three straight games down the stretch here (two v. Alaska, at BG before getting pulled). He didn't get a lot of support on the ones that went past him, but I felt like he normally would've only given up two or just three.
Letunov has it, and trying to slow him down ground the boys down pretty hard. The upperclassmen have bought in, but you bring in this much new blood to play and their legs just aren't going to be with it, because you have a big physical commitment from juniors to college that most kids don't fully grasp.