Ma#1ne Hky
New member
Re: U of Illinois AD & NHL joint press conference
nois whatever-you-want-to-call-mankato still going to the nchc?
nois whatever-you-want-to-call-mankato still going to the nchc?
Someone mentioned Title, does Syracuse play Women's hockey because of Title IX or does Syracuse not play Men's hockey because of Title IX?
Pitt supposedly has a funding source for D1 Hockey.
Pitt supposedly has a funding source for D1 Hockey.
Pitt supposedly has a funding source for D1 Hockey.
That, or they'll try to get into Hockey East.Yup, I heard that. Not sure if its enough to cover the Title IX issues so we'll have to see what, if anything comes of it. But it makes sense on so many levels since Pittsburgh is now one helluva hockey town. If it does happen, I'm guessing the B1G will extend one of its "hockey only" associate memberships.
Same deal with UNLV. That's one of the most money losing ADs in the country. Where are they going to come up with the money to fund men's and women's hockey?
since Pittsburgh is now one helluva hockey town....
Syracuse supposedly has had offers to fund a D1 men's hockey program going back to at least the 1960's, long before Title IX was even thought of. Rumor had it that offers were squelched by entrenched basketball interests that didn't want any in-season revenue-producing competition. Too bad. The Syracuse area has long been a hotbed of hockey interest and a D1 program would certainly have enjoyed wide support.
Title IX obstacles notwithstanding, Syracuse would be a good fit as a 12th team for Hockey East. Yes, it's outside of New England but not by much.
I always thought Manley was the place to re-purpose for ice hockey...but that ship has sailed.This area isn't as much of a hockey hotbed as you'd think, although we do like the Crunch. Even if SU were to pursue it (and I highly doubt they will), they'd need a new facility. Tennity's too small, and the War Memorial is already double booked with AHL and indoor soccer. And I highly doubt they'll put temporary ice in at the dome on a regular basis.
This area isn't as much of a hockey hotbed as you'd think, although we do like the Crunch....
...the $300 million being raised as part of the “With Illinois” project would not cover that [varsity hockey] expense...funding for the hockey facility and program would be essential and remains unresolved.
I don't get this. They're going to raise $300M but can't budget enough to start varsity hockey at the flagship university of a state that produces significant numbers of elite players?
If $300M isn't enough to establish a hockey program, in addition to whatever else they want, why not just up the fund raising goal?
Pegula involved as well.
It’s the off-season, and you know what that means: