Euro, I don't know why I'm nice to you now, because you really are an idiot. The refs were terrible last night. TERRIBLE. So what if UMD got 1 fewer penalty than St. Cloud? The refs called a penalty on Justin Fontaine for interference when HE had the puck and TWO huskies threw him to the ice. Was that the "ticky tack" call? UMD got called for offsides without bringing the puck back into the zone! Brady Lamb got an "instigating" penalty? Seriously? You can't tell me that was deserved because there's no way you were in position to make that judgement, unless you are actually a player. Were they so focused on him that they didn't even look at Hano and Olsen, who were wrapped up together but basically harmless, and HARDLY deserved their five minutes?
Like I said in the game thread, we had St. Cloud fans near us who didn't understand why a call was made... on UMD! Contrary to what most people believe, good officiating is not 1. when one's team gets more penalties than the other team, 2. when one's team wins a game, 3. when one's team is successful on special teams or 4. when the penalties are even. And bad officiating is not the converse. UMD lost and it wasn't because of the referees, it was because they played poorly. But that doesn't mean the officiating was not embarrassingly awful.
I don't think you'd know what a real penalty was if I slashed you across the knees.
Also, Garrett Raboin's dad should behave more like a grown up. His son is that captain and he is a guest of St. Cloud State.