For our bretheren in New England, batten down the hatches and get your snow blowers ready. For the rest of us, pick which Weather Channel person will be on the beach @ Scituate as the waves come crashing over the sea wall.
Tonight we have a gamut of interesting games:
Babson at Suffolk 1:40 pm
Castleton at Potsdam 7:00 pm LiveStats Bearcast?
Fitchburg State at New England Coll. 7:00 pm
Fredonia at Elmira 7:00 pm
Hamilton at Amherst 7:00 pm
Hobart at Buffalo State 7:00 pm
Conn. College at Western N.E. 7:05 pm
Trinity at Westfield State 7:35 pm MASCAC.TV
MCullen will have the rest.
Tonight we have a gamut of interesting games:
Babson at Suffolk 1:40 pm
Castleton at Potsdam 7:00 pm LiveStats Bearcast?
Fitchburg State at New England Coll. 7:00 pm
Fredonia at Elmira 7:00 pm
Hamilton at Amherst 7:00 pm
Hobart at Buffalo State 7:00 pm
Conn. College at Western N.E. 7:05 pm
Trinity at Westfield State 7:35 pm MASCAC.TV
MCullen will have the rest.