Well, I think some * is gonna go down at work this week, if not tomorrow.
An error (3rd of the month) happened yesterday. Worker A picked a manufacturer's carton of eyewear, and even though the shippack was 12, there was 13 in the box. Worker B didn't notice it either when he shipped it. Word was that Big Boss wanted to let someone go because of it.
Everyone got the lecture today in a meeting, saying that "stronger action might have to be made" because of the errors. Mind you, we're still at something like 99.3% accuracy or so, but the goal/expectation is 99.99%
Later on in the day, Worker C made the same picking error. Then, Worker D made a picking error and WORKER B missed that mistake and shipped it.
Right now I'm worried for Worker B, since he's been there as long as I have, and he is really a good worker.