Late to the Party
Mel's? Other than taking him back from Houghton, what bad did the UM AD do? They flat out told him that he needed to be a HC to replace Red (as I interpret it)- for that, I find significant fault, but other than that- they let him go, coach for a while, then Red retired and Mel was hired.
That happens all the time, so I'm curious what was so frustrating. Other than having the potential of Mel being there for a long time being taken from you.
If you ask me (or more correctly, my dad), Tech real fault was not to hire him a long time ago from Red. Back before Mel could have established any long term connections with this area- which (theoretically) made the decision easier.
In terms of games, it would be nice if we had more consistent games with Tech. And Northern. And Lake St. Those are really fun games.
I'm not upset that he left Tech. He was Red's prot?g? and it was a terribly kept secret that he would go back to AA when Red retired and was offered the HC job. There were a lot of little things on his way out the door, how things were left, and once he got to AA that, innocent/normal as they may be, soured some Tech fans to him. All that is that is in the past.
The thing that gets me the most about the AD/HC is they need 2 games in AA to even considering playing 1 game in Houghton. We finally had them scheduled in Houghton in 2020, Covid happened, and now Tech can't get U of MI to Houghton. Getting them out of Yost is like pulling teeth without anesthesia.