Evangelicals really make me question my Christianity and if there really IS a God.
GREEN BAY – A 61-year-old Green Bay man said he robbed a BMO Harris Bank on Wednesday in order to get medical care while in custody.
Looks like all of the state of West Virginia's social problems have been solved! The state house, with obviously plenty of time on their hands since solving the rest of their state's problems, is pushing forward HB2919.
What is WV HB2919 you ask?
Why, it's their banning of "Sexual Encounter Centers" throughout the state.
Also, underboob is now illegal and is legally defined as "Less than completely and opaquely covered ... female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola."
Wait, they're banning adult book stores? I don't see how this passes first amendment review.
I still don't understand how clothing requirements are legal. Like, don't think the constitution ever mentioned decency. How is clothing not speech?
Now, I don't want to see any of you naked and I'm sure doubly so for me. But this nonsense banning of boobs has to stop.
Wait, they're banning adult book stores? I don't see how this passes first amendment review.
Wait, they're banning adult book stores? I don't see how this passes first amendment review.
My plan to show underboob at mariucci tomorrow night is now ruined
My plan to show underboob at mariucci tomorrow night is now ruined