Waiting for the Snow to fly...
A fundamental point of conservatism is that there is NOT "new material". Its what makes it so great!
A fundamental point of conservatism is that there is NOT "new material".
A fundamental point of conservatism is that there is NOT "new material". Its what makes it so great!
Just a couple of years ago, Ted Cruz and a few other "B+ list" GQP celebs jetted in for that conference. My then-fiance and I unfortunately happened to be on the island at the same time. After 2022, they can barely get also-ran scraps like Vivek Ramaswamy to be seen embracing Krazy Kristina's brand of brimstone & nutso. Even Dinesh D'Souza changed his mind and no-showed at the 11th hour. I see Kari Lake showed up to whine some more about losing the election and claim that America is becoming a communist country. *yawn* Get some new material!
It's a common thing during a medical procedure for anyone who isn't a complete ******, so not conservatives like Kari Lake on other words: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/poli...arizona-governor-raises-questions/ar-AA1hp2GF
Agreed. I'm tired of that plasticine CU Next Tuesday getting airtime.
The Michigan GQP: "in terms of money, we have no money."
In case you're paywalled, MI Repubs have about $35,000 in the bank, quietly moved money to the national party to stay afloat, and haven't paid several of the speakers from the Mackinac Island conference.
Good job, Kristi, keep it up!
GOP desperate to hold on to VA: https://www.vpm.org/news/2023-10-03/voter-removal-virginia-process-change-vsp-elect
A man with a handgun showed up at the Wisconsin Capitol demanding to see Gov. Tony Evers (D) on Wednesday, was arrested, posted bail, returned to the Statehouse with an assault rifle and was taken into protective custody, according to police.
I like how they just released him the first time and he comes back with another gun. Working as intended. Red Flag laws my ***.