Not a chance.
Surely the party of law and order would hold him accountable????
Not a chance.
Ah, the non-apology apology. I hope this guy has the day he richly deserves.
Only in Texas can you run a red light, drive at a crowd of people, open your window, shoot an air force veteran who wasn't even threatening you, get convicted because your social media posts prove you had the intent to murder & then have the Governor want to suck your cock.
"Perry even speculated about how he might get away with such a killing. Prosecutors presented a FB chat between Perry & Mike Holcomb, 2 weeks before he shot Foster. In it, Perry argued that shooting protesters was legal if it was in self-defense."
If Abbott gets the go ahead to pardon I predict all hell breaking loose and will not be good for him and his party in the long run.
No real surprise that red states continually rank at or near the bottom in child welfare, high in poverty, and high in alcohol and substance abuse.
Yes, but they have the love of their AR-15's to comfort them.
Fear can be comforting as well, which is why they rock themselves back and forth and hyperventilate over drag queens and the mere existence of trans people.
Awesome. So now we have to have a legal definition of confession? Or do the churches get to define it as “any conversation anywhere at any time for any reason?”Arizona supreme court says churches (LDS in this case) totally don't have to turn over any documents, answer any questions, or report child abuse as long as they claim they learned about it during confession. But sure, it's the drag queens that are the problem.
Has this kind of thing not come up with things like Murder in the past? I thought there was already some sort of confidentiality baked into this.
To protect the parishioner, I can be slightly* more sympathetic to. But we’re talking about the church learning of the *church’s* guilt. Totally different ballgame.Has this kind of thing not come up with things like Murder in the past? I thought there was already some sort of confidentiality baked into this.