After The Mighty Ducks movie, wasn't there legislation passed in Minnesota to expand/improve the number of ice rinks in MN??
I don't recall that, but I was young back then.
If you don't recall, then why did you post anything at all? It isn't like he was posting to you specifically.
If you don't recall, then why did you post anything at all? It isn't like he was posting to you specifically.
Back to "do-do" already?
Why all the strum und drang about college hockey's past? You can't change it. People CAN change the future of college hockey, or at least plan for it. For example, how will new ice rinks be funded and old rinks be maintained or renovated, especially in small-town America? Reactionary obsession with hockey's past doesn't contribute squat to hockey's future.
Communities will build and maintain them. Yes, even in small towns. If not, play on lakes and ponds. I still do, and it works great. least until someone puts up an article about global warming.
Oh look, the bully who wants me off the board is posting today.
After The Mighty Ducks movie, wasn't there legislation passed in Minnesota to expand/improve the number of ice rinks in MN??
By Emilio Estevez, you obviously mean Brock Pierce, since he's from Minnesota...This is awesome. So, we have JFK and Emilio Estevez responsible for significant increases in the growth of hockey in the United States.
By Emilio Estevez, you obviously mean Brock Pierce, since he's from Minnesota...
After The Mighty Ducks movie, wasn't there legislation passed in Minnesota to expand/improve the number of ice rinks in MN??
Of course!! Who do you think came up with the unstoppable "triple deke"?So you're saying that Brock Pierce is the most important Minnesotan in regards to the growth of college hockey in the United States?
USA Hockey started in 1990... So most current college players probably did not get their start playing AHAUS hockey