It took me a while but I love Norton now. He's a big, wacky, crazy New Englander with heavy biases (not just Maine but UNH too) but at his heart he truly loves the game and he's a nice guy. As a broadcaster he's not perfect, he tells too many anecdotes (though at least he usually knows what he's talking about), but I will take a genuine college hockey fan like that over Melrose, who looks like he'd rather be anywhere else and seems to be biding the time until ESPN gets hockey back (if they ever do).
In terms of ESPN's coverage, it was always solid until Tom Mees tragically drowned. He might have been a "pro broadcaster" but he did his homework and really brought an enthusiasm to his play calling...he was infinitely superior to most of the play by play guys they've used over the years since he died, Gary Thorne included. For a guy who used to be hockey's "defining announcer" (and someone with college experience), Thorne has sounded like he's been phoning it in the last few years -- lots of glaring mistakes and too much of the "schmooze" factor with Barry. Get a room guys -- watch the game instead!
Anyway, hopefully we'll hear more gems like when Steve Levy repeatedly called UNH "Rhode Island" in the late '90s