I'm totally on board with the roku channel idea and hope that it comes true. I think it will be a big benefit for the league in a number of ways that might not be quantifiable on the balance sheet. I also think that if you can get a broadcast deal, great as well. But roku, and not just an internet stream is important as that allows it to be up on your TV and not just on your computer screen. (though these days the new blu-ray players come with integral internet access and are programmable.)
I think the showcase game is a great idea. I hope the inside the WCHA show gets expanded to video and put up there as well. Make it an hour show with highlights, and discussion of the next weeks schedule. etc. I'm sure there are plenty of templates to go by, Put it up there mid week like uscho does with their blog talk radio thing.In fact maybe you could talk those guys into taping their show or doing it live as well. Anything to generate traffic to the channel. Also the web site could use some help. The ECAC web site is a lot better, especially on weekends.
I wrote to our AD some weeks ago about this, and I hope that fans of other schools do the same.
On a different subject, the fate of the referee's is something that needs discussing, and action needs to be taken soon on. I liked the idea that davy put out, of a combine where the leagues all draw from the same group. any opinions on that? It might be better to talk to the other leagues rather than one day finding that they have your ref in chief and all his indians.
and last, where are the BGSU fans, surely they know the boards exist. We could use some input from them I would think.