I can understand leagues thinking twice about AL Huntsville. They're not quite the school that most programs in conferences like the WCHA (or NCHC or BiG) are used to playing.
One option is to have several leagues jointly offer a special relationship with the school. So maybe the WCHA, CHA and ECAC collectively schedule UAH 5 games a year each and it rotates who plays them. Kind of like the US national team. At least its not, full on membership or they lose their program.
The NCHC and B1G schools, if they agreed to it, would likely want UAH to travel to them, with no reciprocal trips to Huntsville.
Leaving Hockey East, AHA, ECAC, and the WCHA as potentially the best conferences who would make return trips.
The WCHA is looking at eight non-conference games per year, other leagues just six. Since they're the "lesser" schools, they'll likely be traveling to play NCHC and B1G schools as it is. With 14 guaranteed conference home dates (just seven weekends from October thru March), and the potential to have anywhere from zero to eight more non-conference home games, I can't see WCHA schools happy about giving up another home weekend to return the favor of playing Huntsville in Alabama.
Then, you're trying to convince Hockey East, ECAC, and AHA schools to have reciprocal agreements? Other than the former CHA schools, the rest of the East schools would say no to travelling that far. They'd rather schedule non-conference dates amongst themselves than travel.
Leaving UAH as a road team for 85% of it's schedule, which isn't fair to them. They need home dates just like the rest of the other schools.
There isn't an easy solution to this. And making UAH drain their budget just to join the (apparently/obviously) cash-strapped WCHA isn't going to fix things.