Cornell Big Red
Poison is the 53% of white woman living in America without a fucking clue. That's poison.
Let's just kill Nazis and argue later.
Poison is the 53% of white woman living in America without a fucking clue. That's poison.
Let's just kill Nazis and argue later.
I'm too busy trying to figure out which is going to go first.
Planet Earth.
The United States.
Or Me.
I can't decide.
Apparently, appointments for women to get tubes tied is shooting up, esp in places like Kentucky.
over under on how long it takes red states to stop permanent sterilization on white women?
Saw a TikTok video of a woman who made her father cry because of this.
He was gloating about how it's such a good thing, and how he's looking forward to being a grandfather. His daughter (the TikTok-er) point blank told him she had an appointment to get her tubes *removed* after the RvW decision because of the state they live in. Her doctor had told her that she was a high risk candidate for having ectopic pregnancy because of her anatomy. He broke down in tears not realizing that someone else's decision could affect him so closely.
Did it anger him that someone else's decision made without his input was affecting him negatively?
I'm not blaming her. It's possible to be right and still be poison.
Exactly. Being right is not the same as being able to convey the information in a digestible manner to the population-at-large. People like to be told about new things in a certain manner and Hilary simply can’t wrap her head around the concept.
I dunno anyone who made it past middle school knew what she was saying in 2016. Still do isn't her fault more than half the country ignored it out of spite.
For Kepler: that would be all the Trump voters and the fuckwits that voted Stein or another 3rd party.
If a man said what Hillary has been saying for the last 8 years word for word with the same inflection they aren't denigrated like she is. And I say that as someone who never backed her until I had to. Too many people have too big an axe to grind with her for too many bs reasons and the country is dying because of it.
I dunno anyone who made it past middle school knew what she was saying in 2016. Still do isn't her fault more than half the country ignored it out of spite.
For Kepler: that would be all the Trump voters and the fuckwits that voted Stein or another 3rd party.
If a man said what Hillary has been saying for the last 8 years word for word with the same inflection they aren't denigrated like she is. And I say that as someone who never backed her until I had to. Too many people have too big an axe to grind with her for too many bs reasons and the country is dying because of it.
You just proved our point completely.
Yeah except I don't think your point is saying what you think it is. She wasn't the problem we were.
Yeah except I don't think your point is saying what you think it is. She wasn't the problem we were.
That's not how any of this works.
What do you states rights *******s think of this? You ok with this?