The Sicatoka
Kicizapi Cetan
Tell whatever Facebook University that gave you a B.S. degree in law that you want your money back. Because the A10 is a mediocre basketball conference, and continually trying to make it a thing makes you sound as stupid as your boy Trump talking about Two Corinthians.
If the best you can do is complain about an abbreviation ... so allow me to update yet reiterate:
This will go ... Tenth Amendment (A10), and the battle will be in States. Not each State will have the same outcome. And yet we'll have laws that better stand the Constitutionality test.
What's the problem? The abbreviation, the different outcomes per State, or the better laws that stand up (and that RBG foresaw the need of).
Going to the States is closer to democracy, closer to the voters, in our Republic. That's a good thing.