Master of Science
Food doesn't help hunger:
All the so called "christians" ignoring the literally dozens of times "feed the hungry" is written/said in the bible
Food doesn't help hunger:
All the so called "christians" ignoring the literally dozens of times "feed the hungry" is written/said in the bible
40 months in the slammer for a young man who pepper sprayed a LEO and broke a window on 1/6/21, which also happened to be his 18th birthday. That's after the judge gave him a break for pleading guilty and cooperating. His mom's privilege-fueled poutrage at the sentencing is deeee-licious.
He was apparently arrested for his involvement while attending Air Force basic training. So at least there's one dipsh*t who won't be joining the ranks of our military.
I was raised in Tampa bay but I identify as being from Ohio or PA
you can’t make this up
They had to cheat in 1980 too. What a bunch of ****ing losers.
Also in '68 when Nixon's staff torpedoed the Vietnam Peace Talks under LBJ's watch.
The GOP has had a long line of cheating to win.
I almost never post here, but I have to post after seeing a frustration of "sameism" of the two parties.
On another board, there's a discussion about the SVB collapse, and even though the board is very strict about not being politics, it has ventured into that. One person correctly pointed out that the GOP has done literally nothing that they said they would, and the reply is that both parties are the same- in terms of economics.
Once again, the GOP and their supporters are not capable of looking in the mirror to see what they do. A very quick look at the deficit and their TRENDS very much illustrate how the GOP says one thing, and does the exact opposite- every President who was an R has expanded the debt and every D President has reduced it. I'm sure they will constantly point out that the max deficits came when a D was in the Oval office, totally ignoring that 2008's fall out of deregulation was a huge bail out that Bush started and Obama had to finish; and worse was 2021 when dumpy handed Biden a complete mess.
But- Clinton took the mess of Regan/Bush 12 years and turned that into a budget surplus. Obama reduced the deficit for every year he was President, and Biden has very much reduced the deficit from what the moron handed him.
The economy of all tracks well, too- Clinton's era had some amazing growth, Bush era killed companies, Obama era flourished (again), dumpy contracted (even before the pandemic), and Biden is expanding (some from the pandemic). When Clinton, Obama, and Biden spent, real Americans got to do things that paid them money. Where Regan, Bush, Bush, and moron spent- wealthy people got tax cuts. HUGE difference in the impact on the general public.
From a financial standpoint, the two parties are pretty much the exact opposite.
Maher is a terrible example, as he never had any power of discernment.
The NYT and the Atlantic like to repeat it because they feel like they are being broad-minded and non-partisan.
And obviously the center-Right media likes it because it masks their agenda. If they can make people believe the cops and the robbers are morally equivalent, then they can steal with impunity.
Maher is a terrible example, as he never had any power of discernment.
The NYT and the Atlantic like to repeat it because they feel like they are being broad-minded and non-partisan.
And obviously the center-Right media likes it because it masks their agenda. If they can make people believe the cops and the robbers are morally equivalent, then they can steal with impunity.
I could go on and on with this topic and I almost did, but I will not. I will state the obvious though.
1. We have a two party system in America.
2. Only one party is actually offering solutions to any of the myriad of problems we are having in America. The other side is just bomb throwing.
Until that changes or the media actually starts calling it out we are going nowhere.
Person who went to law school thinks you can just not show up in court and then they can't charge you: