Josh Carey
Stats Guy
Hello, all. I've been on hiatus the first half of this year, but figured it was time to poke my head in these parts with tournament speculation season approaching. I'm about a week and a half earlier on this thread than last year, but hopefully this can get everything consolidated in one place from the get go.
What we know about the 2010 NCAA Tournament
11 Division-III Hockey teams will participate.
Those 11 teams will consist of...
- 7 Pool A teams that have won their conference tournament in conference with an automatic qualifier (AQ). Those conferences are the ECAC-East, ECAC-Northeast, NESCAC, SUNYAC, NCHA, MCHA and MIAC NEW: MCHA has earned an AQ.
- 1 Pool B team awarded to the best team from a conference without an automatic qualifier (AQ). Those conferences are the ECAC-West and MASCAC. NEW: MASCAC formation retains Pool B
- 3 Pool C teams awarded to teams not already in the tournament. NEW: One fewer bid due to MCHA AQ These teams are selected by the following primary and secondary criteria:
Primary Criteria:
Team's winning percentage in region (WIN, win%)
Strength of schedule, comprised of OWP and OOP:
Opponent's winning percentage in-region (OWP)
Opponent's opponent's winning percentage in-region (OOP, OOWP)
Record against common opponents of compared teams in-region (COP)
Head-to-head record of compared teams in-region (H2H)
Record against ranked teams in region (RNK, discussed below)
Secondary criteria
Head-to-head record of compared teams out of region
Team's winning percentage in all Division-III games (in and out of region)
Team's winning percentage in all games
Record against common non-Division-III opponents
Record against ranked teams in and out of region
Record against all common opponents (in and out of region)
Overall Division-III strength of schedule (in and out of region)
Winning percentage in the last 25% of the season
The weighting of each of these criteria in the selection process is not specified by the NCAA and is considered a subjective process by the committee members.
(I'm too lazy to look up the committee members right now, but will add the list again soon).
The eastern region consists of all teams in the ECAC conferences, MASCAC NESCAC, and SUNYAC. The western region consists of all teams in the NCHA, MCHA, and MIAC.
The committees will create regional rankings of the top teams in each region and teams under Pool C consideration. These rankings consists of 7 teams for the western region, and 15 teams for the eastern regions. Each region's committee will submit a final regional ranking which will be used by the national committee to award bids into the tournament.
The committees will provide rankings in advance of the tournament as a guideline. The final rankings used to seed the tournament will not be released. These rankings will create the "ranked teams" list used in the "record against ranked teams" criteria. The poll is *NOT* used in this process.
Teams will be seeded, per NCAA regulations, to keep flights to a minimum. The NCAA mandates teams can not travel more than 500 miles without flying for first round or quarterfinal games. This creates a situation in which eastern teams usually play eastern teams, and western teams usually play western teams, even if it creates a situation in higher seeded teams play earlier than their overall seeds would dictate.
As a general rule, higher seeded teams will host in the first round games and quarterfinal games. Exceptions are made when a higher seeded team does not put in a bid to host a game (Mass-Dartmouth, 2008), or does not have a suitable rink to host a game (Trinity, 2005). The final four will take place at Lake Placid, NY, among the top four remaining teams.
With an 11 team field, three first round games will be played. Five teams will receive byes into the quarterfinal round. The seeding of teams for the purposes of determining what teams receive byes is done using the same criteria that determines the Pool C teams.
What we know about the 2010 NCAA Tournament
11 Division-III Hockey teams will participate.
Those 11 teams will consist of...
- 7 Pool A teams that have won their conference tournament in conference with an automatic qualifier (AQ). Those conferences are the ECAC-East, ECAC-Northeast, NESCAC, SUNYAC, NCHA, MCHA and MIAC NEW: MCHA has earned an AQ.
- 1 Pool B team awarded to the best team from a conference without an automatic qualifier (AQ). Those conferences are the ECAC-West and MASCAC. NEW: MASCAC formation retains Pool B
- 3 Pool C teams awarded to teams not already in the tournament. NEW: One fewer bid due to MCHA AQ These teams are selected by the following primary and secondary criteria:
Primary Criteria:
Team's winning percentage in region (WIN, win%)
Strength of schedule, comprised of OWP and OOP:
Opponent's winning percentage in-region (OWP)
Opponent's opponent's winning percentage in-region (OOP, OOWP)
Record against common opponents of compared teams in-region (COP)
Head-to-head record of compared teams in-region (H2H)
Record against ranked teams in region (RNK, discussed below)
Secondary criteria
Head-to-head record of compared teams out of region
Team's winning percentage in all Division-III games (in and out of region)
Team's winning percentage in all games
Record against common non-Division-III opponents
Record against ranked teams in and out of region
Record against all common opponents (in and out of region)
Overall Division-III strength of schedule (in and out of region)
Winning percentage in the last 25% of the season
The weighting of each of these criteria in the selection process is not specified by the NCAA and is considered a subjective process by the committee members.
(I'm too lazy to look up the committee members right now, but will add the list again soon).
The eastern region consists of all teams in the ECAC conferences, MASCAC NESCAC, and SUNYAC. The western region consists of all teams in the NCHA, MCHA, and MIAC.
The committees will create regional rankings of the top teams in each region and teams under Pool C consideration. These rankings consists of 7 teams for the western region, and 15 teams for the eastern regions. Each region's committee will submit a final regional ranking which will be used by the national committee to award bids into the tournament.
The committees will provide rankings in advance of the tournament as a guideline. The final rankings used to seed the tournament will not be released. These rankings will create the "ranked teams" list used in the "record against ranked teams" criteria. The poll is *NOT* used in this process.
Teams will be seeded, per NCAA regulations, to keep flights to a minimum. The NCAA mandates teams can not travel more than 500 miles without flying for first round or quarterfinal games. This creates a situation in which eastern teams usually play eastern teams, and western teams usually play western teams, even if it creates a situation in higher seeded teams play earlier than their overall seeds would dictate.
As a general rule, higher seeded teams will host in the first round games and quarterfinal games. Exceptions are made when a higher seeded team does not put in a bid to host a game (Mass-Dartmouth, 2008), or does not have a suitable rink to host a game (Trinity, 2005). The final four will take place at Lake Placid, NY, among the top four remaining teams.
With an 11 team field, three first round games will be played. Five teams will receive byes into the quarterfinal round. The seeding of teams for the purposes of determining what teams receive byes is done using the same criteria that determines the Pool C teams.