For someone at the game, is the Alfond unusually quiet tonight? Not sure if it’s the sound on ESPN+ or not but seems quiet to me.
Chill out, its a 60 minute game for a reason. Yikes.
Hopefully the Mainer who won Mega Millions is a Maine hockey fan and donates enough to get the renovations started : )
Hopefully the Mainer who won Mega Millions is a Maine hockey fan and donates enough to get the renovations started : )
Barr will not beat Bazin until he has more talent than him.
Norm Bazin was working in a lumber yard when Tim got him into coaching. Apparently, Tim recognized potential in him as a coach. He was right.
Norm Bazin was working in a lumber yard when Tim got him into coaching. Apparently, Tim recognized potential in him as a coach. He was right.
That was a disappointing showing. Only 2-1 on the scoreboard but it never felt like Maine was a threat. Lowell completely shut down any avenues of attack.