This needs its own thread. Though, I think we did one before, didn't we?
Abortion is an issue that will not go away. Slavery did not "go away" here until the 13th amendment passed, and it still took another 100 years to eradicate the last vestiges (some by the courts, some by legislation). Because both are legally right, but morally wrong, we will get this debate. I will fight to my last breath to ensure that once a child is conceived in the womb that no artifical means are ever taken to kill it. Others will oppose my efforts just as equally. No doubt both of us will view the other as totally misguided.
I can't believe I am touching this one but I don't understand how you cannot understand.I also don't understand how a person can be against abortion because it is murder except in cases of incest or rape. What does the woman's willingness have to do with the person-hood of a potential life? When people make that exception they are channeling the Nineteenth Century "punish the harlot, save the chaste" concept of a man's (or society's) stewardship of female sexuality. The only valid exception to the "it's a child not a choice" argument would be the life of the mother, and even then it would be one life for another.
I can't believe I am touching this one but I don't understand how you cannot understand.
That is the pragmatic approach to the issue. That's the middle ground. In both those cases the woman was impregnated against her will. Are you going to be the one to tell her she has to go to full term at no fault of her own?
But of course that will never fly with the all or nothing crowd. Personally I think the practice should be highly restricted, but I see no logical way that you can abolish the practice altogether and criminalize it no matter what instance it is performed.
I can't believe I am touching this one but I don't understand how you cannot understand.
That is the pragmatic approach to the issue. That's the middle ground. In both those cases the woman was impregnated against her will. Are you going to be the one to tell her she has to go to full term at no fault of her own?
But of course that will never fly with the all or nothing crowd. Personally I think the practice should be highly restricted, but I see no logical way that you can abolish the practice altogether and criminalize it no matter what instance it is performed.
I can't believe I am touching this one but I don't understand how you cannot understand.
That is the pragmatic approach to the issue. That's the middle ground. In both those cases the woman was impregnated against her will. Are you going to be the one to tell her she has to go to full term at no fault of her own?
So the whole argument then hinges not on the rights of the mother, but the "personhood" of the fetus? If you agree that the fetus is a human being, then it has to be a crime to kill it? If it is not, then abortion is OK?
So the whole argument then hinges not on the rights of the mother, but the "personhood" of the fetus? If you agree that the fetus is a human being, then it has to be a crime to kill it? If it is not, then abortion is OK?
I think his whole point, though, is that for people who eqaute it to murder, how can there be a middle ground? That is, if abortion is murder, it's murder regardless of how the baby got there, and if someone is taking a line in the sand stance that abortion is wrong because it eqauls muder, that's not exactly a position one can comprimise and take a middle of the road stance on. The whole slippery slope argument in other words.
Granted, one could make the same argument about regular murder, that it is murder regardless of the circumstance, but then you get into the whole issue of the death penalty, which one could argue is similar to "abortion in the case of rape/incest" in that you're adding additional context to the situation to come to a decision.
If you mean the position of the Joe Biden/Nancy Pelosi et al Catholics, then you are correct. However, (give me time to dig out the references), that is not the case. IIRC, the RC Church has always taught that life begins @ conception.Also correct me if I am wrong but the Church (Catholic in particular) has moved the bar of when a person becomes a person over the years. It hasn't always been "at conception" like they state now.
If you mean the position of the Joe Biden/Nancy Pelosi et al Catholics, then you are correct. However, (give me time to dig out the references), that is not the case. IIRC, the RC Church has always taught that life begins @ conception.
Correct. The Ten Commandments are usually confused that way. Many believe the Commandment states "Thou Shalt Not Kill" which would mean that War is against God's Law. That is not the way it is properly translated though. The actual law is "Thou Shalt Not Murder". Murder and Kill are two different things. Murder allows for the Death Penalty, War, and in the case of this thread Abortion in the cases of incest and rape. Murder is probably defined slightly different in every society.
True.Also correct me if I am wrong but the Church (Catholic in particular) has moved the bar of when a person becomes a person over the years. It hasn't always been "at conception" like they state now.
In the case of the DP and War you're killing someone guilty of something -- a crime or a threat against you. In aborting a fetus created by a rape, the fetus is wholly innocent. I'd think if there's an analogy at all it would be with the killing of innocents during wartime -- say, killing infants during the firebombing of Dresden.
Which begs the argument, when is it human?I'm pro-abortion because I don't believe that a fetus is a human. I also don't believe you should be charged with two counts of murder if you kill a pregnant woman.