Cornell Big Red
The fasc lose an ally.
Telegram is also where a lot of rightwing nuts do their hate speech and child porn. The interesting thing is Durov flew to France where he had an active warrant. Possibilities include that he is defecting and needed a cover story not to wind up with a Polonium cocktail.
The fasc enablers like Elmo and the Bear Killer are protesting right alongside Maria Butina. Mandatory:
Simpler days, as an NRA-GOP pegboard collecting intel for Putin from pathetic conservative saps
French authorities have arrested Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov.
And the Russians are in full freak mode because telegram accounts for a lot of their military communications.
Telegram is also where a lot of rightwing nuts do their hate speech and child porn. The interesting thing is Durov flew to France where he had an active warrant. Possibilities include that he is defecting and needed a cover story not to wind up with a Polonium cocktail.
The fasc enablers like Elmo and the Bear Killer are protesting right alongside Maria Butina. Mandatory:

Simpler days, as an NRA-GOP pegboard collecting intel for Putin from pathetic conservative saps