Kettle Medallion
If you aren't 100% in lockstep you are a RINO...that is where they are at now. I am not even sure "Cult" is the right word for them anymore although they now sound like the Branch Davidians when they talk so...
I was poking around FR recently, which I do to keep abreast of how nutballs like my conspiracy loving next-door neighbor think. Contrary to popular belief, Freepers aren't always in lockstep on every issue, but historically there are purges when enough of them don't eventually self-correct to the GOP groupthink (such as when the diehard Giuliani supporters got zotted back in 2008). Case in point, when Russia first invaded Ukraine almost 2 years ago, I'd say Freepers were pretty evenly divided on whether to support Ukraine or believe Putin's propaganda. Lately though, you can see the fatigue has set in as the war has ground into a stalemate. I'd wager that most are now in lockstep with the GQP regarding the $60b in continued funding, and the Putinistas now appear to have the upper hand in sheer numbers/enthusiasm.