Re: Survivor: Heroes vs. Villians
To be fair (although I'm not sure they rate it), that's not the Heroes being stupid, it's JT being stupid.
Well the Cirie move I was fine with (wasn't sure if I was confusing this or not).
She was absolutely no help to the team as was Sugar, so those moves were fine. But, Stephanie and Tom??!!
If James wasn't hurt, whatever. Not a big deal to me. But he IS hurt and they don't even know if he'll be better or able to walk/run in the next three days. Especially with the physical nature of most of the challenges this season I just don't get it whatsoever.
I don't know how they could possibly think keeping around an injured James was a smart move.
Rupert is making me sick this season. He needs to stand up for himself and the betterment of the team because all he is doing is sitting back and biding his time and biting his tongue while the tribe around him gets weaker.
He's played the loyalty and nice guy card before and it didn't get him anywhere. Rupert is the first one to go in his "alliance." How does he not realize this???!!!
Colby is next on the block for the Heroes....Great strategy guys. Continue to let the tribe get weaker so the Villains keep pwning you.
I have a very good feeling that Boston Rob is going home next week with a blindside (If the Villains lose) Probably from Coach or one of the other Villain girls outside of Pavrati.
Russell is obviously going to play his idol and he's going to get as many people together to throw votes at Boston Rob.
Unless Boston Rob does an excellent disguise and gets everyone to make it seem like they are going to vote for Russell. Thus, making Russell think he has to play the idol when he didn't need to and throw all the votes at someone else.
I could definitely see Boston Rob being in trouble if Russell keeps playing as smart as I think he can.