Don't take this the wrong way, but volleyball is NOT to be going on full steam ahead per NYS guidelines (and again not that I agree with them) unless I am missing something. Volleyball is in the same category as ice hockey - practice, no games, no scrimmage.
However, the funny part is what we are doing to "get around" the dweeb up in Albany'd wrath. Can't play games in NY? No problem, teams are playing across state borders which is promoting more travel, more exposure ect ect. Or the better one I like... Team A from Syracuse schedules a legal practice at Rink Y at 12:00pm. Team B from Buffalo calls Rink Y and Rink Y overbooks the ice...Team A from Syracuse and Team B from Buffalo show up to Rink Y at 12:00pm.....Rink Y doesnt want to upset either team so they let them go on the ice together to "practice". Amazingly enough sometimes you even find two random skaters in what appears to be referee jerseys....and then the following week Team C from Albany shows up.... what a coincidence

I am all for you guys sticking the middle finger up to the Gov. bak, we are all right there with you believe me. How kids can be playing soccer (and Ive seen 13U girls soccer hit harder than my 12U boys hockey do) in shorts and t-shirts yet hockey cant go on in full pads? We've been practicing/running clinics for weeks now. I've even driven to a hot bed state for a goalie clinic in covid...