Member of the REAL Zoo Crew
Re: Stevenson starts D-III men's hockey, joins ECAC West!
All I will say on Lebanon Valley is that sometimes you need to hit rock bottom to realize what you need to do to create a successful program. The Aud may be nice and all, I'm not sure the Hersheypark Arena is that much of a drop off tho....that's if they don't have plans to build their own rink instead of traveling the 9 miles from campus...(btw how far is Murray from EC? yea thought so).....
As far as Stevenson goes, they have a pretty decent athletic program at the University. Ranked in a lot of sports. If they can support their men's hockey team like they do their other sports, they will be just fine. Oh and I believe their "independent" womens team (16-8-1) came up and played Utica'd that go?
Sure we would all love 8 teams with in 30 miles, 16 team tournaments, multi-game series, and partridge in a pear tree....but
All I will say on Lebanon Valley is that sometimes you need to hit rock bottom to realize what you need to do to create a successful program. The Aud may be nice and all, I'm not sure the Hersheypark Arena is that much of a drop off tho....that's if they don't have plans to build their own rink instead of traveling the 9 miles from campus...(btw how far is Murray from EC? yea thought so).....
As far as Stevenson goes, they have a pretty decent athletic program at the University. Ranked in a lot of sports. If they can support their men's hockey team like they do their other sports, they will be just fine. Oh and I believe their "independent" womens team (16-8-1) came up and played Utica'd that go?
Sure we would all love 8 teams with in 30 miles, 16 team tournaments, multi-game series, and partridge in a pear tree....but