Meaning you'll be rooting for Ohio State!
As I briefly mentioned to the Clarkson faithful over on the Women's Hockey Board: The OSU Hockey Community is relatively small, and relatively close knit. OSU, as a whole, is truly vast. But in many ways it's a collection of smaller, more manageable communities.
Another way to look at it: The other three hockey programs are all more decorated than we are. On the ice, we're the new kids; we're the underdog.
Agree with HockeyBuckeye on the turnout, for multiple reasons.
1. Based in part on 1998, I'd expect we'll sell out our allotment. Then there's a small group of Buckeye fans who go to the FF annually. But outside of those two groups, only a few more will travel. I'm guessing we'll have 800-900 people in the building, tops. The other schools will all bring more. (In the case of Duluth, a lot more.)
2. Driving time is also a factor. Those traveling from South Bend are looking at 7.5 to 8 hours. In contrast, Columbus is a 12 to 13 hour trip. That's actually a big difference. 8 hours is a work day. But after about 10 hours, "You just wish the trip was through," to borrow a Bob Seger phrase.
3. Finally, Notre Dame has alumni everywhere. And even more importantly, they have non-alum sports fans everywhere. I'd anticipate that ND will get some help from the large Irish-American community in St. Paul. Even if our coach is a Hill-Murray alum.
Oh, by the way: Minnesota-based fans should keep in mind that the Michigan coach is an EDINA alum.

Just sayin'.