Re: St. Norbert College, 2014-15 - The Drive for Five
One more thing, before I leave you guys alone for a while
Thanks for the beta Hammer, and congrats on the weekend. Your impartial takes make it more difficult to dislike Adrian.
Thank you. I call things as I see them. I've been around the college game for 20+ years now and I've seen too much, from the highs to the lows, to be a complete homer or idiotic troll. Everything that happens is readily visible, whether in person or via the internet, so there's no sense being an idiot about things. Yes, I'm partial. I make no bones about it. But like I said, I've seen my alma mater lose 12 straight to end a season, and I've also seen them play for a national championship, all done on a shoestring budget, as far as D-1 goes. I do have a little perspective on things.
Also, one SNC supporter sent me an email regarding this weekend. I will not reveal that poster, nor will I reveal the contents. What was said there will stay there, and I'm going to leave it there. But I will say this: it was friendly in nature. Thank you, too, for your kind words. Best of luck to you guys the rest of the way.
Hope everybody got back safe, as this storm is shaping up to be as advertised.