Re: Should College Hockey grow? Does it need change?
They are simply colleges that Cornell (a private institution) administers by contract on behalf of the state, much like Lockheed runs the Los Alamos National Lab or like Johns Hopkins runs the Applied Physics Lab.
Good stuff. The only teensiest nit I could pick with that is that I'm not really sure that the ILR and HumEc colleges really have all that much to do with Cornell's "land grant" mission. I suppose there may be an ILR student or two who ended up working for a living, but in general they don't really have need for "such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic arts, in such manner as the legislatures of the States may respectively prescribe, in order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life."Facts:
Cornell's role as New York State's land grant institution, and the public responsibilities that come with that status, are reflected in activities throughout the university. However, four of the schools at Cornell are directly tied to the university's land grant mission, and receive operating and construction funds from New York State:
College of Veterinary Medicine;
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences;
College of Human Ecology;
School of Industrial and Labor Relations
I know this is hearkening back to an ancient digression in this flame war, but I just found this interesting. I did not know that Cornell was our state's land grant institution (I guess in reality, I didn't even know we had one - or that all states have one). So instead of us having a "University of inserst state name here" like most other states have, we have Cornell... or more specifically, four of the fourteen colleges at Cornell. You learn something new every day (sometimes weeks later)
They are simply colleges that Cornell (a private institution) administers by contract on behalf of the state, much like Lockheed runs the Los Alamos National Lab or like Johns Hopkins runs the Applied Physics Lab.