To the editor:
As a minor hockey coach of nearly forty years, I can understand the feelings of the fans regarding the horrible MTU record. However, the most recent comment that we should go out and get Captain Marvel for a coach is the typical comment of one who doesn't understand the difficulties associated with the college game.
Yes, the MTU record is pitiful and, if memory serves me right, it was pitiful long before the current coach. Face it, fella: the students who attend MTU are there to become engineers and scientists with all the difficulty that these disciplines require. MTU does not provide degrees in basket weaving.
I've coached a lot of kids (including a few NHL guys) and I am very familiar with the general educational development of hockey players. They usually don't have much interest in calculus, chemistry, physics and other engineering curricula. If you look at this year's roster you won't find one player who has been drafted in the NHL.
I recently had a chance to talk with the Coach of University of Denver and I asked him what he thinks is wrong with the MTU program.
He felt that they were well-coached but he also felt that kids who expect to have hockey in their future beyond college are also more interested in life in the bright lights. Houghton's lights are very dim compared to those of Denver or Colorado Springs. In other words, they are far less interested in curricula than in making a name in the NHL.
As a practicing engineer for fifty years (yes, I am that old) I, too, would like to see more games in the win column but at the same time, I would never want MTU to cheapen the degree.
I am proud to be an MTU graduate and I feel much better bragging about the quality of the education versus the quality of the hockey team.
Centennial, WY
Formerly of Lake Linden