Yawn...this is completely wrong and for someone who is supposed to be smart she makes herself sound like a second rate Twitter activist. She is basically saying "Hey if we just ignore Ukraine and start talking tough then in the end everything will be fine!" which is cute and like something out of a Capra film. What the fuck does she live in a cave? Biden could stand up at every PC and say "those guys over there are fucking traitors and they hate everyone and if you vote for them you are voting for the destruction of this country and thousands of needless deaths and overt poverty" and the entirety of Dem leadership could stand with him and completely shut down the Government in protest to try and "save the American Experiment" and it would not change the fundamental things that prevent such a change from happening.
1) The Dems don't have the votes. They can't even break the filibuster because people like Joe Manchin are duly elected
which leads to...
2) The people are the real fucking problem. If people actually cared about "saving the American Experiment" they wouldn't vote for people who openly admit they hate Democracy and want to end it. If they cared about Women's Rights or LGBTQ+ Rights or even making sure cops can't murder Black People in Broad Daylight on video they would vote for the party that pretty much runs exclusively on that platform and not a party that is openly hostile to all versions of Equality. If they wanted a Government to be functional, they wouldn't gum up the works every chance they get by either splitting the Government or electing leaders and people who have no intention of governing.
The truth (the type people like her never seem to get) is that most of this country is filled with selfish pricks. (no Kepler, it is not 30%...30% just revel in it and admit it out loud) When things are going well we will make sure to support everything that is great and push for reforms that could make a difference. (BLM and Pride Flags for everyone!!!) But when we are down to our last chip, when the market is sagging and (mostly White) People aren't feeling up to it they will abandon every principle they have to get what is there's. (not all of us mind you, but well more than enough to screw up everything) She pretends that messaging on the jobs numbers is inconsequential...that tells me she doesn't understand the average voter because that lame ass messaging is sadly what wins elections.
And see, if anyone said any of that to her she would deflect, she would say "its voter purges and restrictions!!" or "The media is the problem!1!1" but no, the problem is that voters care more about the Ukraine War than the real fights at home. Voters care more about jobs reports and a Dow Jones Industrial Average they can't even explain than they do about Equality. Voters care more about an extra $20 on their paycheck because of a Tax Break For Billionaires than the fact that at the end of the year they will owe way more than they got back and oh btw their Social Security was gutted, Medicare ripped off and there is no money to fix the roads or help when natural disasters caused by Climate Change ravage half the country. You wanna know why...BECAUSE VOTERS ARE FUCKING MORONS!! Because the elected officials we have perfectly represent us just as they were supposed to. (they suck because we as a whole pretty much suck) Even us, as Dem activists, are basically just a whiny owner blaming the refs for why his team lost and ignoring that it was our bad decisions that put the team in that position in the first place. Sometimes we are so up our own azz we might as well be Republicans because we are helping them way more than we are helping us.
You want to know the real American Exceptionalism...it is that we are so arrogant and full of ourselves even now, post Trump, we still can't see how we are the problem. The rest of the world has figured it out (travel abroad and tell me they don't look at us just a little bit different) but yet we are just blind to it. The reason is simple, they have all had their dalliances with this type of disassociated populace and flirtations with Authoritarianism so they see all the telltale signs. We don't, because we are so full of ourselves that we never thought it could happen here. (even though it has been staring us in the face since 9/11) Roe v. Wade is the perfect example...the second Trump got Kavanaugh and ACB on the Court it was over. Many of us were shouted down because we said so...and now half the electorate is acting shocked and appalled over it. I bet Ms. Activist is organizing a Women's March...man that will show them!!
tl;dr: If she wants to fix America so badly, fix Americans. We are the monkey wrench in the machine.
(sorry Scoob...I am just done with vague platitudes and pretending the problem is some rando talking points)