Recap on the Genezero-Oz game from my point of view:
First, I resent the question of where were the Oswego fans. I'd say there were between 60-100 of us there, and we were just as loud as the Genezero cheering section at many times (though it wasn't saying much. Besides the pep band, the Genezero fans sat on their hands most of the night).
The first goal for Oswego shouldn't have been a goal for two reasons. As Russel said earlier, terrible no call by the refs on a puck that, sitting behind the zone, I could tell went out. But the second reason was that shot had no business going in. It was simply flung at the goal in anticipation of an offsides call, nicked off Corey's blockers, and flipped into the net. A lack of concentration from both the refs and Genezero's netminder is what caused that goal.
Paul Beckwith stood on his head tonight, and had a little luck too. Twice shots rang off the post and in the third period the net came off its moorings a few times in critical situations. Still, Beckwith scrambled well, made all the stops he had to, including a glorious stretch in the 3rd when Geneseo had that extended power play and he lost his stick before getting a defenseman's.
Either Oswego's penalty kill is exceptional or Geneseo's power play unit sucks. Maybe a little of both. But Oswego owned them tonight, especially on the extended penalty after the Boarding call. Geneseo hardly got anything going, and after the Beckwith scramble, it seemed like Geneseo lost all fight, "rubber arming" it at the puck hoping to hit it as a friend of mine who's a Geneseo fan told me. With about eight minutes left in the 3rd, I knew Oswego had the win, no matter what the scoreboard said at that point.
The refs called a horrible game, both ways. Already mentioned was the terrible no-call offsides that led to Oswego's first goal (and annoying sarcastic claps from Geneseo fans for the next few offsides calls), but the Boarding call did not warrent a 5 minute major OR game misconduct, much less both. Geneseo players had been trying to duck the hits all night, and twice before that Redlick had been hit in that same corner and been down on the ice for a few. Third time was the charm I guess, but the Geneseo player ducked as he was hit and went flying forward. Two minutes for Boarding? Sure. Five minutes and a game misconduct? No way.
And finally, Geneseo fans need some better chants. Safety school, seriously? Get more creative. The ENTIRE Oswego cheering section was shouting "GE-NE-ZERO" at the end of the game. The whole third period, when your team needed you most to have any hope of a comeback, you sat on your hands. Chants of "safety school" were just responded to with chants of "scoreboard"... and there really is no comeback for that when you're down by three.
If Geneseo truly is the #10 team in the country (haven't seen them play before tonight, so I didn't have anything to compare it to) they sure didn't play or act like it.