Re: Rule Changes?
There is not a separate coach's challenge. A coach must use their timeout to initiate a review so it is not a free timeout. If their timeout was used, they can't challenge.
I'm not sure it would make sense to penalize them even more when they already have to use a timeout (regular season only).
Thank you for the clarification. So if the Coach is correct, he retains the timeout for the future and the team still gets a rest without using a timeout.
93.7 Team Timeout Request/Coach's Challenge - A team may use its timeout
for the purpose of reviewing situations that are in the video replay criteria
or a potentially non-detected goal. If the challenge is successful, the team
retains its timeout; if the challenge is unsuccessful, the timeout is charged.
This timeout policy applies to any video replay procedure used. The on-ice
official makes the final decision.
In order for a time out to be granted a coach must:
• Identify from the onset of the request that the time out is for purpose
of video review. A coach may not request a video review if the timeout
is taken for another purpose. A coach may not stall in any manner prior
to requesting the review.
• Identify the specific video replay criteria requested to be reviewed.
When any aspect of the video replay criteria is challenged, it allows the
referee to utilize all aspects of the review criteria to be judged (e.g., high stick
challenged, but video shows the puck was kicked into the goal).
When a video review, due to technical issues with the video replay system,
is unable to provide an adequate review, a team timeout will not be charged.