I was heartbroken when I heard the news last night that because of health protocols the home ECAC quarter-finals at RPI would be closed to the public. I had mixed emotions after a few moments, realizing that I fit the criteria they are trying to protect: an old fart with Asthma since childhood. Although, I am in overall good health, working out at the gym three days a week, that I and other seniors who have supported this team for decades would be the ones who could actually be in danger because of the spread of this here-to-fore unknown virus. So, I will watch the games on ESPN+, which I am glad I purchased for $5 a month and will scream and yell at the refs from home, and cheer for my team so loud they can hear me from across the river...Now a few suggestions for the RPI administration and field house and public relations staff: do everything you can do legally to keep the team motivated, play fight songs on PA system during breaks, if possible, have pep band be in attendance, Put cardboard cut-outs of RPI Fans in seats on the south grandstand for players to look at and know they are there, and with them in spirit...for fans, stage a safe rally to support the team prior to the game outdoors, and being a safe distance from each other-7-8 feet apart front and back and sideways....even have pep band playing for the event...any ideas other fans have let the RR staff know in advance.
In closing, This book I am writing was going to conclude at the end of this season. So, In a positive vein, I will have a memorable conclusion to Puck U...
PS...RPI will you please put in those 'friggen' handrails us old farts need to get to our seats safely, by next season...