I don't disagree with any of this. I was as frustrated as anyone with Seth's complete inability to make in game adjustments or broaden the system. For 10 years it seemed like 90% of our breakouts resorted to a forward trying to chip the puck out from the 1/2 boards. But I think we should give credit where it is due, and we wouldn't be anywhere near our current position without the contributions of the 4 year seniors that Seth left us.
Nor would we be here without the transfers, particularly Mike Gornall, who I consider the CJ Lee of this year's class. Even though he'd only played one semester I thought it odd that he wasn't named a captain like his fellow transfers, but I don't know what goes on behind the scenes. What I do know is that he seems to have the same effect as CJ on the ice, lifting the play of those around him by his exemplary team play. Thanks North Dakota. Have you got any other "give it all for the team" guys that just can't seem to get enough ice time on your incredibly deep roster?