Re: RPI Hockey 2018 - 2019: 28 Guys Skate onto a Rink ...
What about adding to this, which is something that has happened a few times and a welcome change compared to recent past IMO, the D man keeping the puck in the zone on a close line play? Obviously there's only so much that you can really put on the sheet and assists are whomever last touched the puck, hence why the +/- is a thing. Whether they get a point or not, that's still very important to look at when scouting players.
I don't know that it is reasonable to make blanket assumptions on matters like this. There are plenty of times when the secondary assist was the key play leading to the goal. A nice pass for a shot and a rebound put back by a 3rd player for instance. A breakout from the D end to launch a 2 on 1. A faceoff win back to the point followed by a shot and rebound. And there are plenty of primary assists that are nothing special. While the primary assist is often more important it isn't 2X the value of a secondary.
What about adding to this, which is something that has happened a few times and a welcome change compared to recent past IMO, the D man keeping the puck in the zone on a close line play? Obviously there's only so much that you can really put on the sheet and assists are whomever last touched the puck, hence why the +/- is a thing. Whether they get a point or not, that's still very important to look at when scouting players.