Re: RPI Hockey 2018 - 2019: 28 Guys Skate onto a Rink ...
Wow. Since I have not heard a single concession or even acknowledgement that problems exist by the administration in response to alumni concerns, that’s just a big F* from the BoT.
December 20, 2018
To: Rensselaer Alumni and Alumnae
From: Arthur F. Golden '66, B.S., J.D., Chair of the Board of Trustees
Re: Dr. Jackson's contract extended
I am pleased to inform you that the Board of Trustees has asked Dr. Jackson, and she has graciously agreed, to extend her contract as president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute through June 30, 2022. As a result of her vision, guidance, and leadership for the past approximately 20 years, much has been undertaken and accomplished. The campus has been refreshed and, in many ways, rebuilt - the Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies, the Curtis R. Priem Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center, and the East Campus Athletic Village being particularly striking examples. We now have four times as many applicants (more than 20,000) with significantly broader interests and significantly higher academic and other credentials - attracted by a combination of our ever more impressive faculty and physical facilities, and our expanded and innovative educational programs and opportunities. RPI has added 23 new academic degree programs in the past two decades to further strengthen and broaden its scope. We completed one large capital campaign for $1.4 billion and are in the midst of another one which, due to Dr. Jackson's leadership and personal fundraising efforts, has passed the $450 million mark of funds pledged or collected on the way toward our billion-dollar goal.
The extra time provided by the extension will be crucial to the successful completion of the capital campaign, to the successful establishment and firm implementation of the educationally innovative Arch Program, and the successful reformation and preservation of our fraternity and sorority system - to name just a few of the major current initiatives. We also will continue to benefit from the leadership of a president whose accomplishments in the business world and government - in addition to academia (which include the National Medal of Science) - have greatly expanded and enhanced recognition of Rensselaer in all areas and among the many audiences where our students and graduates compete.
I hope you will all join me and my fellow trustees in thanking Dr. Jackson for two decades of outstanding contributions and devoted service to RPI, and for agreeing to extend her contract to accommodate us as we all strive to put Rensselaer in the best possible position as we approach our third century of educating the best and the brightest.
Best wishes to all for the holiday season.