Re: RPI Hockey 2012-2013 Part III: There Will Be Math Involved
Going back a long time i still remember 2 linesmen and one ref. They did have a period of time where there was one ref, one assistant ref, and one linesman. You have to go back much further to have the one ref one linesman era. In my view, the two ref system can work but they both have to be on the same page. There is also no doubt that certain pairs work better together and do a much better job of both watching the goal line while the other backs up the play from behind the blue line.
I was referring to even earlier than 1985. I think that there were only two mice, although they may both have been called refs.
Going back a long time i still remember 2 linesmen and one ref. They did have a period of time where there was one ref, one assistant ref, and one linesman. You have to go back much further to have the one ref one linesman era. In my view, the two ref system can work but they both have to be on the same page. There is also no doubt that certain pairs work better together and do a much better job of both watching the goal line while the other backs up the play from behind the blue line.
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