Re: RPI Hockey 2012-2013 Part 1: Pocket Protectors and Hockey Sticks
Here you are: http://via.me/-5s05e1s
Here you are: http://via.me/-5s05e1s
Oh what the heck, I gotta arrange this for the band, now that we're flying the flag: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_Cl5fRPIJc
And at pep band speed, although with different instrumentation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhh3FDEq5t4
Worst performance of the night was by far and away turned in by the girls soccer team in the concession stand. They served me some curly fries which i'm pretty sure were sitting on a counter in the snack bar since the last home game, and cold cheese sauce. Definitely worth the 20 minute wait in line.
At least they scored some goals. They're going to get lit up like and old christmas tree next weekend.
Zalewski was called Diesel in juniors also. I was also impressed with the improvement of Neal and JL from last year. Neal's injury might have lingered longer than we knew about. The line of Haggerty et al. might have looked even better if Haggerty didn't spend a lot of time in the penalty box.Buebla, Zalewsi are the real deals. Buebla is going to be good, long arms, great hands. During play, my nephew heard one of the guys call Zalewski Diesel. Great nickname, fits him to a tee. I like Kasdorf, he is a big guy and plays the angles well (can with his size). Mark Miller is an energy guy who will get alot of time because he'll play hard in practice. Hampton will be future QB of PP. JL and Neal look more comfortable out there. I love the Haggs, JL and Neal line. I'm expecting Diebold between the pipes for Ferris St.
Watch out for the vulgar language in this.....I dont think they have proofreaders at the Record.![]()
Commers has some speed on him. Kasdorf is huge, Zalewski is massive compared to some of our other forwards and yes Dr. D he did park himself in front of the net a few times. Haggerty played with a edge all night and didnt back down from any of the Acadia players and was rewarded with a diving penalty from our great ECAC refs.I guess being cross-checked in the back shouldnt hurt and make you fall down. Whatever, I know my good friend AspyDad was all over those refs, good job buddy way to keep them honest. Overall, it was a good test for the team but as always lots of room to improve upon. Just great to be back in the Field House and catch up with the crew in Section 9. Looking forward to seeing Ferris State next weekend and see what they bring back from a talented team last season.
SA's Post-Game interview.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y-XvH_FsIg&feature=player_embedded
Is that Matt Neal fielding those questions after the game?
Attendance was 2902 and I believe I heard mackek2 say in the stream last night that there were about 100 people watching. Granted this was for fall homecoming weekend and an exhibition game.
Attendance was 2902 and I believe I heard mackek2 say in the stream last night that there were about 100 people watching. Granted this was for fall homecoming weekend and an exhibition game.
Only 100? If that's the case, I wonder how many watched the football game.
YesIs that Matt Neal fielding those questions after the game?
Is that Matt Neal fielding those questions after the game?
Box score says Bailen "dove". http://www.collegehockeystats.net/1213/boxes/macaren1.o06
I'd have to check the video.