Certainly a scam / illegal / malware driven "service". Even if you ran it on a sandbox computer, it won't have any non-televised game, and further, chances are slim that it would have any college hockey. There are many sites where it's possible to find illegal streams of popular sporting events. Issue is, interest is quite low for regular season College Hockey, and legals risks are an issue for US-based streams (most illegal streaming sites use foregin top-level domains, foreign servers, and often foreign TV sources). You won't find a "regular" originator of US-based streams as they get DMCA'd often. Further, most illegal streams seek to monetize their 'effort' by creating ad-ridden pages (or toolbars like this). Odds are that whoever is behind this toolbar simply looks for free streams and aggregates them. If you do go looking for illegal streaming sites, don't download or install anything, and know that they're not being provided altruistically. But like I said before, you'll almost certainly be unable to find the BU game.
In the past, I've illegally streamed RPI TV (during the 09-10 season), Time Warner, and other school's B2/PPV broadcasts for friends (and for a time, USCHO!); all it takes it someone with a capture card or screencapture software, a free/add supported video streaming site, a decent encoding computer, and an internet connection with decent upload speeds.
Side note: on that site, if you replace the text after 'seed=' part of the URL, you can make it stream anything!