Just support the next guy. That’s all we ask. Our worn out fans will come out in droves once the team is good again. it’s time to built the next generation of fans for this program and that starts with connecting on this hire and giving him resources to succeed. Everyone on this forum “roots for the laundry” and can’t wait to get behind a resurgence of RPI hockey. Now is the chance, perhaps the final one, to get this right once and for all
I have read all the thoughts here since the end of season. Smith’s departure was not a surprise. I think the history of this program and the change in support over the last several years left RPI no choice. I will admit I know little about the candidates mentioned here, but I think we can speculate all day about recruits and such, but at the end of the day no new coach worth hiring is going to take the job unless RPI assures them the facility will be addressed. Why would anyone want the job if the program is skating on thin ice both figuratively and literally.
Here is the bottom line of what needs to be done to excel at the NCAA D1 level. It has been done often in multiple D1 sports before and most recently for the
FOURTH TIME with the very same guy (obviously still the right guy) even past the age of 70. Virtually all of those sports always were and still are more competitive than college hockey.
It involves little more than institution #4 (St. Johns) simply asking how much do you wish to be paid to make our operation successful and profitable Mr. Patino?, how much of an operating budget do you need to succeed and make a profit Mr. Patino? and, finally, what practices or procedures do you need us to change or eliminate to succeed and make a profit Mr. Patino?
Institution #3 to do that was Louisville and it resulted in a national championship. Institution #2 to do that was Kentucky with the very same results while institution #1 to do that was Providence and those results were a "mere" final four. Yes, the right guy led Providence to a final four!!!
Yes, there will be a scandles along the way with guys like this. In fact, the national championship for institution #2 is presently vacated pending appeal via litigation.
Regardless, the questions that need to be asked at the D1 level are as follows: Question 1 is do you want to be irrelevant or do you want to be good??? Next question is do you want to be good or do you want to be elite???
If those answers are yes then hire the right guy, pay him whatever the hell he wants, give him the resources, facilities and support he needs and, most important of all, leave him the hell alone and get all the institutional bureaucrats the f--- out of his way!!! No, I do not know who the hockey version of the right guy is. Knowing that is what the administration is paying people to know.
If those answers are no then just stop wasting everybody's time hoping to catch lightning in a bottle with a bunch of candidates hardly anyone except college hockey junkies have ever even heard of. Instead, just drop hockey to D3 where there at least the hope of actually competing for a prize,
Bottom line is if those answers are no and there is no intention of hiring the right guy, then it really don't matter who the hell is hired. The guy will have about as much chance of succeeding here at the D1 level as an Oriental gal has of getting the guy at the end of a Hallmark movie!!!