Excellent summary except for the following.
"There is no question that Dr. Jackson had to shut down varsity sports at the beginning of the Pandemic."
Today, there are plenty of questions. In fact, people were given preemptive pardons because of them. One very obvious question is why do the archives of virtually all institutions, including RPI, show normal for the times schedules and results for the years 1918, 1919 and 1920??? That was only the time frame of the just as or even more deadly Spanish Flu. Do not ever recall reading or hearing the death toll went up due to people playing games, attending games or just going about their business for anything else. In fact, the peak of it, especially in the United States, is generally stated to have lasted for a matter of double-digit weeks, not years. For future reference, sure seems like looks like the correct procedure is to not shut everything down and not lock healthy people up in their houses like wild animals. Instead, healthy people should just be left alone to go about their business which would give their immune systems enough "practice" to handle just about anything that comes along. Possibly best explained by George Carlin's six and a half minute germs, immune system routine performed years before Covid. Dial up the food for thought. The positively brilliant man not only saw what was going to happen long before it happened but also why it happened.
A century later two of five power five conferences went on as normal with little more than a two-week delay in starting their fall sports. Sure, there were some "attendance limits" put in place but, according to relatives who live in Memphis, they must have been computed in a base other than 10. They attended all five of the home games Ole Miss football played in 2020 as did most of their acquaintances they sit nearby. I have lost no relatives, and they lost none of their acquaintances. Not even when they attended their favorite latter two semester indoor sport and baseball the following spring. Oh, by the way, those two conferences are made up of mostly state institutions under the legislatures of mostly red states. No accident. No accident they are both flourishing today.
Not so for the other three power fives, mostly state institutions under the legislatures of mostly blue states. Initially, they all cancelled their football seasons. However, when they saw what the other two were doing, they feared extinction and scrambled like panicked rats to slap together abbreviated schedules that did not start until October. Though one of them recovered and is doing just fine today, it was too little too late for the other two. One is already dead (maybe like RPI Hockey) while the other is dying a slower death (probably just like RPI Hockey).
"There is no question that Dr. Jackson had to shut down varsity sports at the beginning of the Pandemic." Really!!! Suppose there is no question about the empty building year that followed either!!!