The campus policies for the upcoming year are now posted and can actually be accessed from the athletics web site.
It begins with Fall 2022 University Health and Safety Protocols.
In between the is a whole lot of stuff about what applies to students, faculty and staff depending on weather the risk factor status is green, yellow or red.
Just as was the case with last summers very briefly posted (and quickly taken down) "comprehensive plan for return to athletic competition", which ended with the extremely condescending and enraging "management of spectators- to be determined", this one ends as follows on the next line. Assuming visitors includes the equally condescending and enraging "external spectators that needed to be socially separated" hurled at us in March of 2020, it does not appear that the institutional attitude toward us has changed very much based on the below. The date below is less than two weeks before the first football game and less than six before the first hockey game. Gee!! thanks for the adequate and timely notice.
A modified visitor policy will be finalized prior to August 22, 2022.
Dependent on what this modified visitor policy proves to be, a decision will be made as to how much, if anything, will be spent at the premises of this particular peddler of sports entertainment products within a very crowded and competitive sports and non sports entertainment marketplace. Obviously, this particular external spectator who needed to be socially separated and whose management is to be determined will be making no such decisions or spending a dime there until at least August 23, 2022. At that point it will be determined just who is managing and determining who, just as you would manage and determine what to spend or not spend at what stands and/or booths at a fair or flea market
Really wish it wasn't so, but, somewhere between the fall of 1963 (age 10) and March of 2020 I somehow got the notion there was more to it than that. Based on more recent events and treatment, I was obviously operating under a delusion the whole time. Thus, the interest level, enthusiasm and passion levels of the past will probably not ever happen again. I already pretty much found that out at both the football game at Union last fall and the baseball doubleheader at Union last spring. Something died and the zip was gone. If the ending of the football game didn't reignite something, the probably nothing ever will. Both events proved to be little more than a retiree getting out of the house for the day.
I did not set out to reach this point. It was done for me and maybe it is still being done.