I cannot rationalize why that game was moved. That decision made no sense to me either. But in the context of the end of the holiday break (and apparently a rise in the number of positive cases on the team) I think the thinking is that the campus will likely see lots of cases in the coming weeks if they bring students back. You can try and control who has access to the campus and the students while school is in session. Once students go home, that control is totally lost. We don’t know what school officials know at any given point in time. I think many decisions (not just on the RPI campus but across the country) are made to try and meet people half way. To try and meet the virus half way, actually. In China they get 3 cases and tell people they cannot leave home. Millions of people not even able to get food. And the virus is stopped cold Then you have places where you let people do what they want and we have every conceivable position in between. I would not want to be the one making the decision what to allow and what not to allow for an organization. One thing I think is a certainty. SAJ is not making these decisions all on her own. Don’t you think the counties, the healthcare system, the state, the CDC, or other entities also are taken into consideration? My point is: if I were in her shoes, I am not sure I would do things much differently. As much as I don’t like it.