Anything's possible with SAJ calling the shots...but fingers crossed she deems RPITV as an essential workforce !!!!!
I suspect her definition of an essential workforce is the accounting firm she utilizes!!
Anything's possible with SAJ calling the shots...but fingers crossed she deems RPITV as an essential workforce !!!!!
I suspect her definition of an essential workforce is the accounting firm she utilizes!!
Great work and post. Your breakdown for Red Army had me reading for an hour! Mostly agree with virtually everything you wrote. I do think RPI could be vastly under rated and if they can fit together and gain that on ice chemistry we hope for early enough in the season, they could be on the top 4 conference cusp. Disagree a bit on some of the descriptions and I would rate both Dartmouth and Princeton just a bit higher. Baker rink down here in NJ is a very peculiar place for visiting teams to play and often Princeton takes advantage of that and can play far more competitively at home. I do not see any real contender that can approach QU and Harvard Cornell Clarkson are close to a lock for the top 4.
Really appreciated your detailed descriptions and although I find myself virtually never agreeing totally with anything ever posted, found myself just sitting here and nodding positively for just about the entire post. Great job, well done!!
Not worried about RPI TV - but the game for the ladies with Syracuse was a home exhibition. The game this week is an away exhibition with Union. Do not expect TV coverage. I think ehf was more concerned with the WRPI radio coverage. I fully expect our radio guys to be on the air with the TV broadcasts resuming with the home games.
Appreciate the compliments DrD! Glad that you enjoyed reading it!
Some of the RPITV crew are alums like you and me. Come to think of it, so are the WRPI football announcers.
I think it has been conclusively shown that alums like us are not considered essential. But I have felt that was the case long before the pandemic.
I think it has been conclusively shown that alums like us are not considered essential. But I have felt that was the case long before the pandemic.
You two may not be considered “essential” to management, but you sure are essential to us posters in here…![]()
New episode of Talkin' Neers for the new season
A lovely email from Smitty in the old in box today....urging us to go to a bar to watch the Union exhibition. This apparently instead of attempting to brave the arduous 7 mile drive to Schenectady to ya know, WATCH ACTUAL LIVE HOCKEY !!! The latest insult courtesy of the thought police in Troy. I'm sure he was forbidden from encouraging attendance at other ECAC schools who are actually allowing the unwashed to attend events. I for one will be there in person.
Not sure why you're mad about this. It's pretty obvious that DS would not send that of his own accord, and everyone here hates the administration who clearly does not care about students, alumni and fans. Go to the game and have a great time. I'm really looking forward to it
The truly sad irony of it all is one is far more likely to be exposed to a respiratory bug in a packed bar room setting then you ever would be in a drafty ice rink with 50' ceilings... pathetic.
You are correct. Shirley is on year 22 of her power trip though and doesn't care about doing things that make sense as long as she's still making $5 million every year