Just found out that on September 11 the head honcho from In The Huddle podcast/radio for D3 football was on site covering the RPI- Stevenson football game. Actually, very surprised he was even allowed in. He probably now will no longer be welcome as long as this administration is still around.
At halftime he walked all the way up to the top of the grass hill to where parents and grandparents are presently relegated to. While there, he did an interview with the mother of an RPI player that ran for about two an a half minutes. For anyone interested, it can be found by running a search for Frank Rossi's In The (D3FB) Huddle twitter page and scanning down to September 11 (it will take a while).
The case dismantling the institute's spectator policy (my opinion) and exposing it for the phony, fraudulent con that it is (again, my opinion) was made by this woman far more calmly and articulately than anything most others would be capable of.
At one point in the interview both the woman, the mother of a fifth year senior, along with Frank expressed their utter disbelief and distain that she and her own parents (obviously, at least well in to their sixties) were still being relegated to a hill far from the field while they were both looking in to what they called a portico (the reception area on the second floor of the stadium where you know who holds court) which contained not only you know who but also a very noticeable number of guests. But alas, don't tell me, they were ALL students, faculty and staff. Yeah right!!!
The thing that struck me most about this interview is that for the first time that I am aware of, people within visual range were finally able to expose both the spectator policy itself and the people who created it as the completely disingenuous, not reputable, frauds and cons that they all are. Just another case of narcissistic egomaniacs with power engaged in the practice of I do whatever I want whenever I want but you all do as I say.
What these football parents and other relatives are being put through unnecessarily makes my stomach turn. Definition of unnecessarily would dammed near be 100% of ANY outdoor game, in ANY outdoor sport, at ANY level just about ANYWHERE in the U.S. and probably on the planet too. Just about all televised events are obviously drawing very well and do not even require masks. On the other end of the spectrum, even the high school I graduated from 50 years ago allows unlimited attendance and does not require masks. It is located four miles from RPI with no portico for the privileged!!!
At halftime he walked all the way up to the top of the grass hill to where parents and grandparents are presently relegated to. While there, he did an interview with the mother of an RPI player that ran for about two an a half minutes. For anyone interested, it can be found by running a search for Frank Rossi's In The (D3FB) Huddle twitter page and scanning down to September 11 (it will take a while).
The case dismantling the institute's spectator policy (my opinion) and exposing it for the phony, fraudulent con that it is (again, my opinion) was made by this woman far more calmly and articulately than anything most others would be capable of.
At one point in the interview both the woman, the mother of a fifth year senior, along with Frank expressed their utter disbelief and distain that she and her own parents (obviously, at least well in to their sixties) were still being relegated to a hill far from the field while they were both looking in to what they called a portico (the reception area on the second floor of the stadium where you know who holds court) which contained not only you know who but also a very noticeable number of guests. But alas, don't tell me, they were ALL students, faculty and staff. Yeah right!!!
The thing that struck me most about this interview is that for the first time that I am aware of, people within visual range were finally able to expose both the spectator policy itself and the people who created it as the completely disingenuous, not reputable, frauds and cons that they all are. Just another case of narcissistic egomaniacs with power engaged in the practice of I do whatever I want whenever I want but you all do as I say.
What these football parents and other relatives are being put through unnecessarily makes my stomach turn. Definition of unnecessarily would dammed near be 100% of ANY outdoor game, in ANY outdoor sport, at ANY level just about ANYWHERE in the U.S. and probably on the planet too. Just about all televised events are obviously drawing very well and do not even require masks. On the other end of the spectrum, even the high school I graduated from 50 years ago allows unlimited attendance and does not require masks. It is located four miles from RPI with no portico for the privileged!!!