An email I received from Cait Bennett, the current Grand Marshal. Bolded emphasis is my own.
Dear Members of the Union,
Yesterday, Dr. Martin A. Schmidt was appointed as the 19th President of RPI.
As your Grand Marshal, I have been working to increase student representation in the presidential selection process since Dr. Jackson announced her retirement in June. In the beginning phase, a cross sectional group of students were engaged to develop the Presidential Profile, which outlined the direction of the Institute and qualities desired in potential candidates. There were six student representatives, including myself, involved in the interviewing process, asking questions and submitting feedback about each candidate.
You all know about Dr. Schmidt’s professional experience as Provost at MIT, but his interview provided insight into his leadership style. Dr. Schmidt is a humble, passionate, and sincere leader. Many of his passions, including accessible education and inclusivity, are consistently developed into organizations with tangible community impacts, like edX and MindHandHeart. His dedication to life-long learning shows in his willingness to reflect on past failures and successes, and he diligently credits his teammates when reviewing accomplishments.
Most importantly, Dr. Schmidt sincerely cares about students. He asked about our hockey team, our Student Union, and the future challenges we see. Dr. Schmidt continued mentoring and teaching even while delving into administrative work at MIT, and was therefore able to provide acute insight on student concerns. He is focused on organizational strength from a grassroots perspective — starting with students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
Expanding and organizing student representation in this presidential search was a huge step for shared governance at RPI. To say that the last few years have been tumultuous would be an understatement; in many ways, students have been disenfranchised and our input has been disregarded. Rebuilding trust between administrators and students will not happen overnight, but it will happen. I expect that the transition in leadership will come with its own challenges, and your student leaders are preparing to face them head on.
I am truly optimistic about the potential of Dr. Schmidt’s term. Student voices are best heard by sincere leaders who listen.
Have a happy thanksgiving.
Warmest regards,
Cait Bennett
156th Grand Marshal
Student Body President