I promised some numbers from Saturdays game from our website, and here they are:
This is our second most popular sports production of all time by viewer hours (number of hours spent by people actually watching video), with 95 hours, but falling short of our most popular, Football vs. Alfred University with just over 100 hours. The Alfred game has been posted for about a month, where as this game has been up for less than 2 full days. This accounts for 2.6% of our total streaming.
Since posting the video, we have uploaded 114 gigabytes of data from our streaming server, 83 of which are from this hockey game. We have seen 746 people visit the page 991 times from 37 states and countries spending, on average, 24 minute and 39 seconds on that page. 20% of the visitors came directly to our page, 17% came from links posted here, 15% from facebook, 14% from reddit, 12% from rpitathletics.com, and the rest from other places. People coming from these forums ended up spending just under 20 minutes on the page.
If you could all do us a huge favor, goto
http://www.facebook.com/pages/RPI-TV/139989560363 and like our page. There is a contest among RPI Student Union clubs to get the most 'likes' on their facebook pages, and we would love to kick some butt! (It is worth some money for us!)
Lets hope we have some more amazing hockey games this season! We love to shoot them, and from what we have read, people love to watch them! We are the best (possibly only) school that does productions like we do, and I am confident, the only school who makes the games available to watch free online the next day. I also really hope that we can offer our own live streams of all of the games, hopefully free, without b2, like we did for the tournament against Brown in March. We received many comments and read things on this and other forums how we were the best online hockey webcast people had ever seen!