Like the title......
Could be a good nickname for the new arena.
BTW, Check the AHA Composite schedule. Wilfrid Laurier playing both RIT and Mercyhurst on 10/6?
USCHO needs to update their version of the schedule.
USCHO has a composite schedule? Or are you talking about the one I (and burgie12) maintain in the other thread?
So... is Air Force going to have a rink this season? ... too soon...??
Something interesting may be found toward the bottom of this list.
Kudos to Trever Eckenswiller and Chris Haltigan for making the AHA All-Academic All Star team. You must have a 3.0 GPA in the academic periods they are competing.
The list:
Trevor Eckenswiller, Defense, RIT
Chris Haltigin, Defense, RIT
Ryan Leets, Goalie, Army
Cheyne Rocha, Defense, Army
Michael Penny, Forward, AIC
Matt Cassidy, Forward, AIC
Ryan Bohrer, Forward, Canisius
Patrick Goebel, Defense, Mercyhurst
Dan Baco, Forward, Niagara
Robert Martini, Defense, Niagara
Chris Noonan, Goaltender, Niagara
Kevin Ryan, Defense, NIagara
Jeff Jones, Forward, Robert Morris
Tyson Wilson, Defense, Robert Morris
I'd go out on a limb and say Harvard, Yale, Brown, Princeton, Dartmouth, Air Force, and Army, based on the belief that their recruits are "students first", in the truest sense of the phrase.I wonder who are the "better" academic teams across the NCAA... not like that's really a useful stat, but interesting to see where we line up.
Must be exciting for Shane, as a Sharks fan!
EDIT: Although I'm not sure what this means along with Burt's tweet: "Just want to get this stuff figured out. Just need a chance and I'll do the rest #putmeincoach #imreadytoskate"
I'd go out on a limb and say Harvard, Yale, Brown, Princeton, Dartmouth, Air Force, and Army, based on the belief that their recruits are "students first", in the truest sense of the phrase.
There was an article on USCHO a few weeks back listing D1 college teams academically. Tigers hit 991 out of 1000 tying AFA.
Update the filters for Ice Hockey and 2010/2011 and then sort by score.