Re: RIT Tigers 2017 / 2018. Is time to go out and capture some prey!
Downstate goes there all the time. I've been there once, sat at the end opposite the entrance, think the tigers shot at that goal twice. Make sure everybody has ID or you may not get in the gate. They were very thorough and we almost got turned around. Ten years ago but doubt that part had changed.
Yup, I'm a season ticket holder there, so I get to make all my Army friends crazy by wearing my RIT jersey to all of the Army home games no matter who Army is playing. Sometimes I will wear an RPI jersey as well, to pay respects to that great school too, that's usually on a Saturday if RIT loses on a Friday night

. I wear my 1960 USA Olympic replica jersey when Royal Military College Paladins from Kingston, Ontario pays West Point a visit.
Everything Blaze and Flaggy said are true. It's getting onto West Point that is difficult. When approaching the gates at West Point you have two lanes, the DoD lane (Department of Defense) and everybody else. DoD folks have a sticker on their windshield. The other lane is the civilian lane, that's the lane for you. Often this lane backs up a bit, don't fret, you will get there and don't be tempted to go to the DoD lane, they will likely send you back into the other lane. All adults in a vehicle must have an ID (drivers license is the way to go) which will be checked. Also depending on what may or may not be going on at West Point that you and I know nothing about (and the type of vehicle you drive) they may ask the driver to exit the vehicle and open the trunk and/or pop the hood for a quick look see. It's totally random, I'm there all the time and I often get asked too. You may also be asked if there are any weapons in the vehicle, so leave them home. As I approach the gate, I turn my head lights off (the guards appreciate that) I open both windows on the side of my car in which the guard is standing, and I turn my overhead light on. Just that act kind of lets the guard know that I've been through the gate before and facilitates him having a look inside my vehicle. Simple as that. Once on West Point obey the speed limit...the MP's love to give tickets to folks zooming through West Point trying to get into their seats before puck drop. Parking at Tate Rink usually involves parking in one of two upper parking lots so be prepared for steps, down on the way to the game, up on the way back to the parking lots. There is some limited handicap parking in front of the rink and there usually is an attendant to assist with that parking if you require that. Every once in a while they check bags going into the game but very rarely, but be cognizant of that. No alcohol in Tate Rink but I've seen folks tailgating and having an adult beverage or two in the parking lot before the game.
As for seating, the lower portion of the rink is seat back seating, the upper portion benches. If possible, try to get seat backs, much more comfortable, equal to GPC and more comfortable than Houston Field House (sorry Flag, the Engineers have to realize we've all gotten bigger and wider since WWII). Generally fans from visiting teams sit behind the visiting players bench. The netting behind the goals comes up to about the face off circles on each end of the ice. So if you can get around the blue line behind the visiting bench in the seat back section, that is your best bet. If you get too close to the goal lines at either end you will be looking through the netting although it is pretty thin stuff so it is not bad. Teams are on the same side, across the ice are the two penalty boxes with the time keeper in between. Between periods generally they have a couple of kids teams on the ice, or a chuck a puck deal going on. Food is fair, your normal burgers, dogs, chicken fingers, popcorn like at other rinks that in recent years is a little pricey but not Yankee Stadium or Fenway Park pricey. Credit Cards accepted.
That's about it. RIT has the largest and loudest fan base to visit Tate Rink, and absolutely rile up the Army fan base which for the most part are more reserved. Nothing is funnier than listening to the RIT fans starting the "RIT" chant before the RIT players step onto the ice between the first and second or second and third periods. Generally Army fans look at each other with a 'hey they can't do that" look on their faces. At that point they start cheering for Army, or you hear young kids screaming "suck" after every "RIT" chant. It makes good fun, but I generally play Switzerland and sit on my hands when RIT visits. I hope this helps a bit, I heard that the RIT Alumni Association is having a get together at Thayer Hotel on West Point prior to the Friday night game, for a nominal cost you get a pre-game meal and a ticket to the game, I'm sure they would have more details if that interests anyone. And Flaggy is right, no one shouts "Tigers" at the end of the anthem, that would NOT be a good idea...I let my freak flag fly when visiting RIT or RPI but just sit back and enjoy a good game of hockey at Tate.