RIT Winters
Hey, you SUCK!
Re: RIT Tigers 2017 / 2018. Is time to go out and capture some prey!
No I am referring to the oft-cited "community" who are supposed to come flood the GPC once it is made into an idyllic family friendly zone. It's a myth we've been chasing since the Gene opened. And the chants have been getting curtailed consistently since (apparently) the 90's. The trend continued during my years as a student and into today.
I'm not sure who you're referring to as "mystery community members", but I've been attending most RIT home hockey games for nearly 32 seasons.
If by "the past decade and beyond" you are referring to Coach Hoffberg's "request" that the CC curtail their constant profanity laced cheers back in the 90's, that needed to be done. The CC was always fantastic at making the Ritter a truly difficult place to play, especially for the visiting goaltenders. But at that time, the cursing had been getting a bit out of hand and the NCAA could have denied RIT the chance to host post-season games up to and including the championships. Not only that, but there was also the deterrent to families attending games. I didn't have a kid back then, but now that I do I am appreciative that that is not a part of the repertoire anymore. Not allowing excessive swearing isn't equivalent to cutting off the CC's balls. It's merely forcing the group to channel their creativity that much more in order to remain effectively distracting to opponents and supportive of the Tigers without leaning on the crutch of profanity.
No I am referring to the oft-cited "community" who are supposed to come flood the GPC once it is made into an idyllic family friendly zone. It's a myth we've been chasing since the Gene opened. And the chants have been getting curtailed consistently since (apparently) the 90's. The trend continued during my years as a student and into today.